From the Oven to Your Plate: The Healthier Choice Between Homemade Pizza and Takeout

Homemade Pizza vs. Takeout Calories: Which is the Healthier Option?

Are you a pizza lover like me? Do you often find yourself torn between the convenience of takeout and the satisfaction of homemade pizza? Well, you’re not alone. Homemade pizza and takeout pizza both have their pros and cons, but when it comes to calories and nutrition, which one is the healthier option? Let’s find out!

Table of Contents
  1. Homemade Pizza Calories and Nutrition
  2. Takeout Pizza Calories and Nutrition
  3. Homemade Pizza vs. Takeout: Which is Healthier?
  4. Conclusion
Homemade Pizza Calories and Nutrition

When it comes to homemade pizza, the possibilities are endless. You can customize your pizza with your favorite toppings, and you have full control over the amount of cheese, sauce, and crust you use. The calories and nutrition of your homemade pizza will depend on the ingredients you use and the portion size.

One slice of homemade pizza with a thin crust, tomato sauce, cheese, and vegetables, can have around 150-200 calories. However, if you load your pizza with meat, extra cheese, and a thick crust, the calorie count can increase significantly. It’s important to keep in mind that homemade pizza can be a healthy option if you use fresh ingredients, limit your portion size, and choose healthier toppings.

For the best homemade pizza sauce recipe, check out this link. And if you’re looking for unique homemade pizza topping ideas, this link will surely inspire you.

Takeout Pizza Calories and Nutrition

Takeout pizza is a convenient option when you don’t have the time or energy to make your own. However, most takeout pizza is loaded with calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats. The calorie count of takeout pizza depends on the toppings and the size of the pizza.

Average takeout pizza slices can have around 300-400 calories each, and a whole pizza can have over 1500 calories. And let’s be honest, who stops at just one slice? Takeout pizza is often high in sodium and saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

If you’re curious about the calorie count of your favorite takeout pizza, check out this link for pizza calories and nutrition facts.

Homemade Pizza vs. Takeout: Which is Healthier?

So, which one is the healthier option? The answer is simple: homemade pizza. When you make your own pizza, you can control the ingredients and the portion size, making it a healthier option than most takeout pizza. Homemade pizza can be a fun and creative way to enjoy a delicious meal while maintaining a healthy diet.

According to Healthline, cooking your own meals at home can lead to a healthier diet, lower calorie intake, and better overall health. Not only is homemade pizza healthier, but it’s also cheaper than takeout pizza. Check out this link for more information on how homemade pizza can save you money.

If you’re still not convinced, this link will give you even more reasons why homemade pizza is better than takeout.


Homemade pizza vs. takeout calories is a battle that homemade pizza wins. While takeout pizza may be convenient, it’s often loaded with calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats. Homemade pizza, on the other hand, can be a healthy and creative way to enjoy a delicious meal while maintaining a healthy diet.

For a more accurate calculation of the calories and nutrition of your homemade pizza recipe, try this recipe nutrition calculator.

So, next time you’re craving pizza, why not try making your own? Your taste buds and your health will thank you.

The Saucy Side of Pizza: Discovering the Best Homemade Pizza Sauce Recipe
Pizza Calories & Calorie Chart
Is Pizza Healthy? Nutrition Tips for Pizza Lovers
Homemade Pizza vs. Restaurant Pizza – Giordanos
Homemade Pizza Calories & Nutrition Facts (Chart) – Bella Bacinos
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