Pizza for Breakfast? Try these Breakfast Pizza Bagels with Scrambled Eggs & Bacon


Who doesn’t love pizza? And who doesn’t love bagels? When you combine these two delicious foods, you get the ultimate comfort food: homemade pizza bagels. Not only are they easy to make, but they’re also customizable and perfect for a quick snack or meal. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of making your own homemade pizza bagels, and provide some creative ideas for toppings. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents


The first step in making homemade pizza bagels is to gather your ingredients. You’ll need bagels (of course!), pizza sauce, cheese, and any toppings you desire. You can use plain bagels or any flavor you prefer, such as garlic or everything bagels. Preheat your oven to 375F.


Next, it’s time to add the sauce. Spread a generous amount of pizza sauce onto each bagel half. You can use store-bought sauce or make your own by mixing tomato sauce, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your sauce – try adding pesto or BBQ sauce for a unique flavor.


Now it’s time for the cheese. Sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese over the sauce. You can also add other types of cheese, such as cheddar or feta, for added flavor. For a healthier option, use low-fat cheese or skip the cheese altogether.


Here’s where you can really get creative. Add any toppings you desire, such as pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, bell peppers, or onions. You can also make vegetarian or vegan pizza bagels by using plant-based toppings like tofu or vegan cheese. The possibilities are endless!


Place the bagels on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Let the pizza bagels cool for a few minutes before serving.

Creative Pizza Bagel Ideas

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your pizza bagels, here are some creative ideas:

  • Breakfast pizza bagels: add scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheddar cheese
  • Greek pizza bagels: add feta cheese, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes
  • Hawaiian pizza bagels: add ham, pineapple, and mozzarella cheese
  • Taco pizza bagels: add seasoned ground beef, cheddar cheese, and diced tomatoes
  • Caprese pizza bagels: add sliced tomatoes, fresh basil, and mozzarella cheese

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