Pizza Perfection: Why Homemade Pizza Beats Takeout Every Time

Homemade Pizza vs Takeout: Which is Better?

Are you a pizza lover? Do you often find yourself torn between ordering takeout or making your own pizza at home? Look no further, because we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll be comparing homemade pizza to takeout pizza and determining which is the better option.

Table of Contents

Cost Comparison

One of the biggest factors when deciding between homemade pizza and takeout pizza is the cost. While it may seem like ordering a pizza from your local pizza joint is easier and more convenient, it can also be more expensive. According to The Frugal Girl, making your own pizza at home can be up to 75% cheaper than ordering takeout!

When you make your own pizza at home, you have the option to use ingredients that you already have on hand, which can save you money in the long run. Plus, you can buy ingredients in bulk, which can be more cost-effective than buying individual pizzas from a restaurant.

Taste Test

Let’s be real, the most important factor when it comes to pizza is the taste. While takeout pizza can be delicious, there’s just something about homemade pizza that can’t be beat. When you make your own pizza at home, you have complete control over the ingredients and how much of each ingredient you use. Plus, you can experiment with different toppings and flavor combinations to find your perfect pizza.

According to Allrecipes, making pizza at home that’s better than takeout is all about the crust. By making your own dough from scratch, you can ensure that your pizza is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Check out these pizza dough recipes from (From Scratch to Snack: How to Make the Perfect Homemade Pizza Dough and Homemade Pizza Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deliciousness) and this recipe for New Jersey-style thin crust pizza dough (Pizza Dough the New Jersey Way) to get started.

Health Benefits

When it comes to health benefits, homemade pizza definitely has the upper hand. By making your own pizza at home, you have control over the ingredients and can choose healthier options. For example, you can use whole wheat flour to make your crust, add lots of veggies as toppings, and use low-fat cheese.

According to Live Life Get Active, homemade pizza is also lower in sodium and calories than takeout pizza. Plus, you can control the portion size, which can help you avoid overeating. So, if you’re looking for a healthier pizza option, making your own pizza at home is the way to go.


Another advantage of making your own pizza at home is the ability to customize it to your liking. When you order takeout pizza, you’re limited to the toppings and flavors that the restaurant offers. But when you make your own pizza at home, you can add whatever toppings you want and experiment with different flavor combinations.

So, if you’re feeling adventurous, try adding some unique toppings like pineapple, jalapenos, or even bacon and eggs. The possibilities are endless!

The Cheese Factor

Lastly, let’s talk about the cheese factor. One of the most important components of any pizza is the cheese. When you order takeout pizza, you’re not always sure what kind of cheese they’re using or how much they’re using. But when you make your own pizza at home, you can choose the type and amount of cheese that you prefer.

According to King Arthur Baking, the best cheese for pizza is a combination of low-moisture mozzarella and a hard, salty cheese like Parmesan or Pecorino Romano. By using these cheeses, you can achieve the perfect balance of gooeyness and flavor.


So, there you have it. While takeout pizza can be convenient, there are many advantages to making your own pizza at home. It’s cheaper, healthier, and more customizable. Plus, it just tastes better! So, next time you’re craving pizza, skip the takeout and try making your own.

Further Reading

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